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Tel: 063-903-4330
Orthotic Services
Orthotics are used for many different reasons. For example, an orthotic device is used to prevent or correct a deformity of a limb, protect from or stabilize an injury, compensate for weak muscles and more.
At CEPO we use both “off the shelf”/“already made” orthotics and Custom made orthotics depending on the need in the individual case. Orthotics are sometimes also referred to as Braces. Orthotics can be made from many different materials depending on purpose. Examples of materials are Thermoplastics, Carbon fiber and resins. Below is a list of the most common types of Orthotics used at CEPO.

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AFO stands for Ankle Foot Orthosis.
This means that the orthosis is used to treat a condition involving the foot and ankle. Conditions which require an AFO are for example:
Cerbral Palsy (CP)
Post Polio Syndrome
Club foot
Nerv injuries
Spinal Cord Injury
Neurological Syndroms
The estimate price of an AFO is around 9,000 baht for children and 17,000 baht for adults. The price may vary depending on individual findings and needs.
Toe Off™ Carbon Fiber AFO

KAFO, or Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis, will, as the name suggests, involve both the knee joint and ankle joint.
Our KAFO’s are typically made from Pre Preg carbon fiber which makes the KAFO both stronger and lighter than standard thermoplastic KAFO’s. They can be fitted with different kind of knee joints to either allow movement of the knee or to keep it in a straight locked position. The ankle joint can also be either fixt or articulated.
Conditions which require a KAFO are for example:
Post Polio Syndrome
Spinal Cord Injury
Congenital Disorders
Cerebral Palsy (CP)
Neurological Syndroms
Custom made Pre Preg Carbon fiber KAFO
The estimate prices of Pre-preg carbonfiber KAFO is around 100,000 baht and above . The price may vary depending on individual findings and needs.

S.W.A.S.H® stands for Standing Walking And Sitting Hip brace.
It is usually used for children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) to aid in sitting and walking. It prevents scissoring of the legs when standing and walking. It also reduces the risk of hip luxations which are common in CP. When sitting, the brace adds trunk stability so that the child might not need to use the hands to sit stable. The child can then use the hands more freely for other activities.
The estimate prices of S-W-A-S-H Hip brace is around 49,000 baht. The price may vary depending on individual findings and needs.
Standing Walking And Sitting Hip brace S.W.A.S.H®

OA Knee Brace
OA stands for Osteo-Arthritis which is a condition where the cartilage of a joint is worn. OA can cause both pain and deformity of a joint. An OA Knee brace is typically used on a patient that is not considered as a candidate for surgery with a joint replacement, either due to the Orthopedic Surgeons advice or the patients own wish to not have surgery. An OA brace can reduce pain when walking.
The OA Knee brace is around 20,000 baht and above. The price may vary depending on individual findings and needs.
Unload One® For treatment of Knee arthritis

Rebound® Post op Knee brace
Post Op Knee Brace
This kind of brace is used after knee surgery when the knee needs to be immobilized. The brace is both light and comfortable to wear. The joint can be set to allow limited motion or fixed.
The Post-Op Knee brace is around 8,000 baht. The price may vary depending on individual findings and needs.

Sports Braces
Sports braces are either to protect the knee joint from injury or to prevent further injury. Knee sport braces comes in various models depending on use.
The Sports braces is around 46,000 baht and above. The price may vary depending on individual findings and needs.
CTi ® Sports brace

Fracture Brace
Some fractures can best be treated with a brace rather than surgery or cast. The braces are typically cylindrical to contain both the bone and surrounding muscles and skin (soft tissues). By compressing the soft tissues the fracture will be held in place. Fracture braces can be used for many different types of fractures.
The Fracture brace is around 10,000 baht and above. The price may vary depending on individual findings and needs.
Humeral Fracture Brace
Orthotic process